Emily for thinking my blog is special!! Right back at ya! If you all haven't seen Em's blog yet, check it out!! Not only does she do amazing photography, but she can be found cooking up all kinds of yummies in the kitchen!
Along with the Honest Scrap award, there are a couple rules when accepting ...
A) First list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) Pass the award on to 8 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
I am all about honesty ... I keep it real, people!
I love all my hubby's tattoos and I encourage him to get more! I am not a fan of all tats, but any that aren't death or demonic related, I think are pretty hot.
I love going to bars/clubs to dance! I am not a clubber, so don't even think I am into all that techno stuff, but I love getting out and doing my thang! I didn't go to college, so I didn't get to do the whole party scene ... therefore I get cravings to go out. I only get to go dancing a few times a year (usually only when we go to Vegas).
I am seriously considering Botox in the future. Ain't no shame.
I have to sleep with firm pillows. Most people I know prefer the down or feather varieties, but mine have to be able to support my neck. I always have to have 2 pillows, and I put them in a triangular position so if I turn on either side (I am a side sleeper), I will have a pillow there to grab.
I love to be warm, and prefer to vacation in the heat! A favorite vacay spot of ours is Palm Desert, California - we have been there in 126 degree heat! I was 7 months preggo and enjoyed soaking up the sun!!
I am all about antioxidents, and that is one reason for my tea obsession. I also love Acai (ah-sigh-ee), which I will soon be blogging about!
I love babies! I love the beginning stages and milestones, and I love watching them grow. I do not love them enough to have another one though. Ha, ha.
I hate roller coasters and thrill rides. There is absolutely nothing fun about feeling like you are going to die. No thank you.
I love getting dressed up (probably cuz I rarely ever get to). Even if it's just jeans with a cute stiletto, there's nothing that makes me feel hotter.
I am so blessed to be in a house of boys. There are times when I feel as if I am going crazy trying to keep all three of them in line, but I absolutely love their sense of humors. Fo' Sho!!There's some honesty for ya! Now to pass this along to just 8 others is not do-able, since every one of the bloggers on my blogroll deserves this award. So, if you are in my side-bar list, consider this for you!! Accept it and re-post to let your readers know that I think you are awesome! :o)
I second the whole thrill ride thing. Nothing fun, thrilling, exciting about em. Nervousness is that only thing that comes to my mind.
Congrats on the awards sister!
I TOTALLY agree with every item on your list except the Thrill Rides. I do love me some roller coasters after all!
Tattooed hubs- check
going out dancing- check
possibility of Botox- check
firm non feather pillows- check
warm vacays- check
no more babies- check (but I love other peoples)
getting dressed up-check
house of boys- check
You're Welcome April!
I enjoyed your answers.
Ok..too funny I sleep with my pillows in a triangular position too! I didnt know you love to dance..I too LOVE to dance! We should definetly go dancing sometime! We'll make sure the DJ plays plenty of Britney LOL
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