Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Excuse me ... do you have the time?

Isn't she gorgeous? The newest addition to my Juicy obsession collection.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Divine! I'm big Juicy fan myself!

Molly said...

Very nice! Every time I see something Juicy, I think of you!

CAC muffin said...

i'm so not a watch person but i really like this one! You have good taste :)

Anonymous said...

Very cute! I agree with you Molly everytime I see something I images of April appear instantly....LOL! Now we need a picture of you sporting it!!

Anonymous said...

Juicy gears for the 17-27 year old buyer. Now that you're getting older what brand are you going to collect next?

Jules said...

OMG! I love this watch. So cute and classic!

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