Friday, August 21, 2009

Juicy ♥ I Adore Thee


In honor and celebration of Juicy Couture's new perfume, Couture Couture, debuting in September, I snagged this amazing new scent at the Nordstrom pre-sale for one of my lucky followers! Not only do you get this cute little roll-on bottle, but also a pair of the oh-so-comfy tube socks that read Juicy loves Drama. Who's excited!?!

Now I don't wanna give Juicy away to just anyone ... I am very protective! LOL! Here's the rules to enter ...

You MUST be a follower of my blog! You gotta be in that awesome little box in my sidebar that I so much adore! Comment on this post for your first entry.

For shout-outs on your blog, facebook, and twitter you can earn up to 3 more entries. Be sure you follow me on those sites so I can see your links.

And, for every person that drops your name in their comment as a referral, you get an extra 5 entries (yes, for each)!!!

Giveaways all end on Monday and winners will be announced in the evening, so be sure to check back in ... the winners will have 24 hours to claim their prizes or a new winner will be selected. Thanks so much for all your bloggy love this week ... you girls rock!! xoxo


Nina said...

I wanna smell juicy! ;)

Nina said...


Unknown said...

Enterrr me please! <3333

Lucy said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. I am a follower of your blog. This is an amazing week of giveaways. I've never smelled any of the Juicy products. I know they're very popular so I hope this smells nice. Thank you so much for all the giveaways.

Anonymous said...

Love some JC!

Anonymous said...

Check out my tweet:

Faerie Goddess said...

Hey April,

I would love to sign up for the giveaway. I have posted on FB and Twitter.

Oooo...I also wand to give Jackie B. a shout out!

Thanks for the fun and exciting week!

Jennifer said...

Woot woot! Finally something Juicy. I have yet to add something juicy to my collection and this one looks yummy! Im already a follower and posting a shout out on facebook/myspace/& my blog:):)

Tabitha Michelle said...

I'm a follower! Great giveaways!

Sassy Cass said...

You know I heart Juicy!!!!

Farah said...

Oh yay just became a follower and im gonna go tweet this

Melissa K. said...

I am so in love with Juicy... drives my husband nuts! LOL.

Jules said...

I am a follower! Please count me in. I would love to try this new scent.

Jules said...

I have also added this giveaway to the sidebar of my blog under the giveaways section here:

Jules said...

I also sent a tweet out about this here:

Anonymous said...

I am a follower!
I am going to give you your facebook props!
I am also going to link up to you on twitter!
Plus...I am going to give you your spot on my blog!

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

Jenna said...

the socks are soo cute

Anonymous said...

I am a follower. My girlfriend would love this. I got your link from Shanna at Brain Broadcast.

Emma said...

I'm a follower of your blog, and I love Juicy!

Emma said...

Also following you on Twitter (oceangirl621).

Unknown said...

OH how nice!! Would <3 some of this!! :-)

babelicioussugar said...

I heart Juicy!

Stylista Fitness said...

I heart Juicy Couture! love your blog too!

im a blog follower, twitter follower and I'll be posting this giveaway on my blog! :)

Stylista Fitness said...

M here again! my blog is


hi said...

Juicy Couture? Srsly? You are amazing! Enter meeeee

hi said...


Lizzie said...

So cute! I love juicy

Molly said...

Give me the socks and no one gets hurt...KIDDING!
I love them though!

Unknown said...

Judy Atiyeh-Barhoum Check out my friends blog for chances to win MAC, Juicy, Essie and more ... all the giveaways are posted!!!

C.Merie said...

Hey Miss Thang! I love your blog. :)

christi_jacoba said...

follower & tweeted :)

Rachel said...

Thanks for offering this giveaway! I'm a follower of your blog :)

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

I'd love to have a chance in this. Thanks

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...


Emily said...

Very cute April!!!
I'm a Juicy virgin

Lizzie said...


Unknown said...

I would love to win this. Please enter me.

I did all the extra entries:


Tweeted: (twitter is not working right now so I cant show you the link but I am @shopgurl)

Facebook: I requested you as a friend and posted on my wall about your giveaway

The Man-Cave said...

Hi April!

I heard about your giveaway from Jules at chic & pink. Please count me in for this cool prize and my wife will love me. I am now a new follower. =)

Aik said...

Ooohhh, I wanna win! I'm now a follower.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

ghreizy said...

hi I followed you and twitted:

count me in!!!

Aik said...

I tweeted.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

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