Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Girls Night

What better way to enjoy an evening after the kids go to bed, then to watch a fun girly movie with my mom-in-law! We ordered up Confessions of a Shopaholic (about a girl after my own heart - ha, ha!!), made a big bowl of popcorn, and drank wine from cute martini glasses! To be honest, the movie wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, but it was pretty cute! And as soon as I can find a video clip of the Shopper's Anonymous meeting where Rebecca Bloomwood explains how she doesn't have a shopping problem, it will be right up here on my blog! It really should be my life's motto. LOL!!


Molly said...

Fun! The hubs is out of town, so I am thinking of getting that movie tonight! I am having a solo girls night. :)

Katrina said...

I wanna see that movie!! Im always so behind in the movies! Those drinks look so yummy! Making me wanna get me someeee!!! I hope you had fun girl! well...I'm sure you did...anything involving "shopping" or watching shopping is always great!

Anonymous said...

Cute post and CUTE blog! Thanks for following me!

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