Friday, August 14, 2009

Share the Love

My Big Giveaway Event starts on August 17th and is exclusive to my wonderful followers!! I so very much appreciate all the sweet comments and love you all send to me, so I am making this one for you all!! Please spread the news ... I always love meeting new friends!! Don't miss out ... I promise you will love all the fun giveaways!! xoxo

Edit ... I fixed the size of my button, so it isn't huge when adding it to your sidebar. Thanks Mrs. Bismarck for bringing to my attention! :o)


Lucy Marie said...

eeek! I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog! and I'm like Lucky...Can't wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

i already put the button on my side bar, but could you make it a little smaller, maybe at a width of 200 pixels? go look at how it looks (left sidebar):

can't wait!

mrs. b

Molly said...

I am excited!

A Fond Farewell ...

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