Monday, August 10, 2009

Oh, the Italians!

Mondays at 10pm on TLC. Cake Boss ... check it out!
Oh what I would give to try his goodies, mmmm!!
(Umm ... I meant the food, did that come out wrong? Ha!)
And if you haven't entered the Stonyfield Farms YoKids giveaway yet ... what are you waiting for? Contest ends on Thursday!!


amy seifert said...

oh i LOVE this show, watched all the old ones online. :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this show. I have enjoyed looking at your blog...I'm new to the blogging world and look forward to following your blog!

A Fond Farewell ...

Wow! Is December already upon us? Good golly this year has flown right by! I have been a busy girl lately, hence the blog break. Unfortu...