Monday, August 24, 2009

Lucky Lucky

135 Sweet Followers ... 243 Lovely Comments ... and now the 5 Lucky Winners!! Thanks so very much for participating in my big giveaway event! I hope all my new friends continue checking in on me each week ... I have more fun giveaways planned for the very near future, and I am always chatting about something, so I hope to see more of all those great comments!! xoxo
Giveaway #1 Winner ~ MAC

Giveaway #2 Winner ~ Sweet & Simple necklace

Giveaway #3 Winner ~ Red Clover Clutch in Numbers

Giveaway Winner #4 ~ Essie Nail Set

Giveaway Winner #5 ~ Juicy Couture

( Winners were selected by )
Okay peeps ... you have 24 hours to contact me via email with your shipping address, or another winner will be chosen. Thanks!! :o)


Anonymous said...

How exciting!! Thank you so much!

Manju said...

congrats to the winners ^^

Dawn said...

yay! Thanks! I sent you my shipping adress : ]

Jules said...

Lucky ladies! Congrats to the winners.

Farah said...

Lucky Lucky winners! Congrats

Anonymous said...

YAY! I'm super excited! I sent you an email with my shipping info. Thanks again!

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