Got my hair done tonight - yay!! Got a little trim ... I chickened out on cutting the length - I am loving my long hair - but, I did get a few more longer layers, and had it colored almost black. I am so excited that I no longer have a lovely band of brassy, grown-out color at my roots, and I love the new shiny, rich color. My stylist rocks!

I want you all to know though that I honestly tried to get purple highlights tonight!! No joke! I went into the salon this evening very excited to take the plunge! My stylist helped find the right strands in between my top and bottom layers (so the purple wouldn't be too crazy obvious, but fun when peeking through), she bleached the strands slightly so the color would stand out from my darker color, and .... nothing. We tried a second time to apply the color, without re-bleaching (I don't want straw for hair), and still nothing. Sigh. I was so bummed. My stylist has a couple other ideas that we may play around with later this week, but for now I am thrilled with my new color.
April- Your hair looks beautiful...*sigh* I wish I could have that length and sheen!! Now go out with your hubby and show off those locks! :)
Love the cut and colour and I think the purple will look awesome if it works out.
P.S. If I might have left a previous comment under the wrong profile (Lucy instead of Lucy Marie) and if I did, it was accidentally for someone else's blog - so just ignore it. My computer is doing some strange strange things this morning.
Very cute! Bummer about the purple, that would have been cool!
Very cute and very sexy there Miss April. I bet your hubby is lovin it! ;-)
Looks great. I just got a trim and color and it makes you feel so much better!
Guess it wasn't meant to be. Sigh. It looks awesome though. Mam, you are hot!
i really like it, good choice!
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