Thursday, August 27, 2009

Where was my memo?

Who knew that Charlotte Russe is now selling People's Liberation and Kitson jeans?!? I love the way People's Liberation fit, but they are hard for me to find! After winning a little game of putt-putt against the hubby (oh yeah, I rock!), I took my winnings and went shopping (duh). With no luck at Forever 21 ... it's a hit or miss for me at that store, I popped into Charlotte Russe to find some new tops. I was so excited to see this line in their store! I snagged myself these cute boot cut jeans and 3 tops for my prize!! Hubby may think twice before offering up such a challenge next time. Don't even try to beat me when their is shopping money on the line!

Yeah, I just trash talked.


Anonymous said...

LOL congrats! I loveeee Forever 21! But i still agree, sometimes all the stuff is just "meh".

Jules said...

Love it! I need to make a bet next time I play Putt Putt. The jeans and tops sound great ;)

Anonymous said...

Kitson, seriously?? WOW, that's great! I love CR and Forever21!

Hannah said... guys make me sick...I can't fit into anything at Forever 21...actually I am really jealous, I would love to be a hip mommy, but I look more like a frumpy housewife...ho hum...yep, that is me...sigh...maybe in my next life

Unknown said...

Awww, Hannah!! You don't have to shop at those places to be a hip momma!! I rarely find anything but accessories at these stores, but I always pop in cuz their stuff is so cheap! As long as you feel great, you can rock anything!! Seriously!! From Walmart to Nordstrom, my closet is full of variety! LOL!!

Molly said...

Haha! Love it. Charlotte Russe is quickly giving Forever 21 a run for its money in my book.

Jodee said...

I am feeling OLD, I remember when that store come out and thought was some crappy stores, trying to compete with the hip stuff, I guess they have come along way with the KITSON! wow, cant beleve they have that in there- girl you are making me want to go out and SHOP....I can't rememeber the last time I have been in a mall:)- well for myself that is...

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